Message from the Holiday Fair Planning Committee Lynnwoods School Holiday Fair 2010 Just wanted to give everyone an outline on the Holiday Fair and the help that is needed. I know it's very early but if we start now it's less stress in December! Date: December 15th Time: 8:30a.m-11:00a.m. (day) 6:00p.m.-8:30p.m. (night) ANTICIPATED TABLES: Raffle Tables: Small ticket items, such as gift certificates, toys, small baskets, etc... you name it we'll take it! Please let me know if you know of someone who wants to donate and needs a letter with tax ID. We have already received Gift Certificates to Dairy Queen, Fauci’s Pizza, Cappas Trackside Diner,(Melrose) and 2 from John's Roast Beef! :) Big Raffle Items: Each class will be contributing to the Large Basket, Scratch Tix Board or Gift Certificate Board. Please encourage other parents to participate. Sale Tables: handmade crafts, scarves, hats, mittens, small toys, ornaments, inexpensive items the kids can purchase for gifts for their family: Mom, Dad, siblings, grandparents etc. We are looking for donated or very inexpensive items to sell. If you see something cheap, please contact me. Santa: SANTA NEEDED!!! Anyone interested in being Santa for "Picture w/ Santa" Please contact me. Candy Count: Please let me know if you're willing to count out M&Ms for the kids to guess and win a prize. Food: We will be having some sort of "snack" area at night during fair...not quite sure exactly what we are going to sell. This table usually includes, nachos, popcorn, pizza, candy, homemade goodies and beverages. We already have bottled waters donated! Thank you so much for volunteering to help with the fair. Any help big or small is greatly appreciated. If you have any suggestion or questions please contact: Andrea Fila: 978-836-0044 or Kim Parker: 781.593.3365 or Leah Warren: 781.586.0026 or | draft |