Saturday, November 20, 2010

Grade 4 KNOW ATOMS Science Lessons

Mrs. Melanson's 4th grade students made fossils in Science class.  I was able to sit in as they took turns and cooperated to create fossils.   Naturally they were very excited about working with clay and making  various imprints.  However, the real excitement came this past Friday when each of them was given their finished piece of work to take home.  I walked in and was immediately greeted with proud faces and voices, each eager to tell me what they created, how they did it and what it represented.  There is nothing more gratifying when students are excited about sharing their learning.  That is learning at it's best!  Jack said, "These are so cool, like real footprints.  Cam said, "Look at the difference in each of my fossils."  Devin said, "I can see the spines in mine".  Ask your child about the Scientific Process.....they should be able to explain it.