Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thank you Mayor Kennedy

Mayor Kennedy spent sometime this morning at Lynn Woods School.  Mrs. Whalen’s third grade class at Lynn Woods Elementary School has been researching information about invasive plants and their effects on the environment. Through their research they have discovered that there are invasive plants near the entrances of Lynn Woods. After taking a field trip to meet with Ranger Dan Small to learn more about invasive plan in Lynn Woods, they learned that many of these invasive plants have entered Lynn Woods due to dumping of yard waste. They are encouraging all citizens of Lynn not to dump yard waste in Lynn Woods. Yard waste may contain invasive plants that could threaten many plants species in Lynn Woods.  The students were eager to share their knowledge .  Mayor Kennedy was very interested and receptive to their proposals.   The visit was super special and the children really enjoyed it.  Thank you for helping us.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Mr. Staples 3rd grade class made some Science tools in class.  They will be put to good use with the weather we have been having lately.  Ask your 3rd grader what a barometer is and what is does.    Do an experiment with the anemometer and measure the wind speed. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Skyping with stuff!

On Friday, January 24th the third grade enjoyed a Skype session with Dr. Anne Savage.  Dr. Anne, Conservations Director for Disney’s Animal Programs, taught the students about Sea Turtles and Cotton Top Tamarins.  The students were able to ask Dr. Anne questions and gain knowledge about these species and their habits.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Important Message from Mrs. Whalen: Idling

There is a Native American Proverb that says, “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” There are many things we can do to leave our earth a better place for our children. One thing that we can easily do to help our environment is to not idle our vehicle. Idling our vehicles releases pollution into our atmosphere which can harm the environment and humans. All schools in Lynn have a no idling zone of 100 feet around all schools. In order to work together as a Lynn Woods community and do what we can to leave this earth a better place for our children and help our environment, please refrain from idling near our school. Through a project I did with my class a couple of years ago we learned that we can make a difference in this area. Together our Lynn Woods school community can make a difference and help make a change. Thank you for your help.

                                                                                                Mrs. Whalen

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friends of Lynn Woods

Mrs. Whalen’s Third Grade class has been studying about invasive plants and the harm they do to our very own Lynn Woods.  Did you know dumping lawn clippings into the woods is harmful to the environment?  Recently Superintendent Dr. Latham visited Lynn Woods so they could make their presentation.  Last night they made their presentation to the Friends of Lynn Woods.  Great job getting active in your community Grade 3!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

It is difficult to say good bye to 2013.  Every member of the Lynn Woods School Community has much to be proud of.   Each day, I watch teachers and students put in enormous time, effort and energy into getting best results for students.   2013 was an exceptionally great year!  Lynn Woods reached level I status, which was a monumental accomplishment.  Then, DESE identified Lynn Woods as one of 48 commendation schools, which is an honor and privilege!   Below I have included a link to the Boston Globe “Dreamschool finder”.  This tool allows you to search for high achieving schools in your region.  In the north region, Lynn Woods is ranked # 1.   The City of Lynn should feel proud to have Lincoln Thompson and Sewell Anderson also included on this list.    Keep up the great work in 2014!