Monday, November 19, 2012

Second grade busy at work

Stamp painting with apples to finish up our study of Johnny Appleseed in Mrs. Zukas' second grade
Sam is helping Mrs. Zukas tally the votes from the class election.  Ask your child who won!

Now that's a lot of fudge

I want to thank everyone who participated in our PTO fudge fundraiser.  We have  made an effort to limit the number of fundraisers that get sent home, in hopes that everyone would participate in this major fundraiser.  

Congratulations to the 3 top individual sellers:

1. Emily Madden (K) 37 boxes

2. Matthew Lopez (4) 37 boxes

3. Shawn Anderson (5) 32 boxes


Each of these students received a $25 gift card to Toys R Us!

Thank you for all your help and continued support.

Fast as lightening

We had several students participate in the Elementary Cross Country Race recently at Gannon Golf Course.  Brady Warren, second grader came in second place.  Patrick Mannion, Molly Mannion and  Ben Tartarini all represented Lynn Woods proudly for third grade.  Isaiah Reyes earned first place for fourth grade.  Sarah Tartarini raced her way to third place in the Kindergarten race.    Way to go guys!